Sunday, January 21, 2007

It's Been a While

It's funny how things get crazy when school starts. There are so many things that I had planned to do over the two weeks that we get between Christmas and the start of school. And so few of them happened.

I've been commiserating with other teachers through my program a lot lately. That's one nice thing about the alternative certification thing - you end up hanging out with other new teachers more than most, I think. I mean, there are twenty other new teachers in my classes that I take two nights a week. I hear a lot of horror stories (war stories, I think we can call them), and I get a lot of sympathy when I choose to share my stories. I know that I'm not the worst off out there, and I know that other people are really struggling to be good teachers. It's hard to take a room full of overachievers and throw them at an uncertain situation with so many ways for things to go wrong. It's a really tough job, and I'm not just saying that. It's funny how many people say that to be nice or respectful but don't really think that. It's like people who say that we should respect our elders but politely tune them out when they talk, or don't go and visit. Don't get me wrong - I know that I should, but I also neglect my family and my elders more than most.

Anyway, I managed to stay up all night last Thursday. And I got two hours of sleep this Thursday night. The way my schedule is, I get almost no sleep on that night. And then I'm burnt out for the weekend and need the time off to recover, so I fall behind again and the cycle repeats itself. Oh well.

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